Crayon Shinchan is a popular TV animation series created by Yoshito Usui. The main character, Crayon Shinchan, also known as Shinchan, is a 5 year-old boy, who goes to kindergarten. The series depicts the everyday life of Shinchan with his parents, a baby sister, friends, kindergarten teachers and so on. Kasukabe City in Saitama Prefecture is a stage of this famous animation. Kasukabe is located on the Tobu Line, some 35 km north of Asakusa Terminal in Tokyo.
Starting from November 3rd, 2016, Tobu Railway operates special poster trains with a Crayon Shinchan design. The purpose of the Crayon Shinchan trains is to promote tourism to Kasukabe City. They are set 51055F, 51056F, 51057F, 51058F and 51059F of the EMU 50050 series. Each 10-car train set is beautifully decorated with Crayon Shinchan characters on a yellow (51055F), blue (51056F), red (51057F), orange (51058F) and green (51059F) colored background. Needless to say, they are very popular among boys and girls on the Tobu Line. Tobu trains are directly operated onto the Tokyo Metro Hanzomon Line and the Tokyu Denentoshi Line; therefore, people in Tokyo Metropolis and Kanagawa Prefecture also enjoy these unique trains in their areas.
The EMU Tobu 50050 series was launched in 2006. Currently, a total of 18 sets, 180 units are operated on the track. The 50050 series is Tobu's new standard commuter train, which has the concepts of universal design, low energy consumption and maintenance-free. The 50000, the 50070, the 50090 and the 60000 series are brothers of the 50050 series.
Starting from November 3rd, 2016, Tobu Railway operates special poster trains with a Crayon Shinchan design. The purpose of the Crayon Shinchan trains is to promote tourism to Kasukabe City. They are set 51055F, 51056F, 51057F, 51058F and 51059F of the EMU 50050 series. Each 10-car train set is beautifully decorated with Crayon Shinchan characters on a yellow (51055F), blue (51056F), red (51057F), orange (51058F) and green (51059F) colored background. Needless to say, they are very popular among boys and girls on the Tobu Line. Tobu trains are directly operated onto the Tokyo Metro Hanzomon Line and the Tokyu Denentoshi Line; therefore, people in Tokyo Metropolis and Kanagawa Prefecture also enjoy these unique trains in their areas.
The EMU Tobu 50050 series was launched in 2006. Currently, a total of 18 sets, 180 units are operated on the track. The 50050 series is Tobu's new standard commuter train, which has the concepts of universal design, low energy consumption and maintenance-free. The 50000, the 50070, the 50090 and the 60000 series are brothers of the 50050 series.