Wednesday, 28 December 2011

At the Year-end in Tokyo

EMU Tokyo Metro 02 series arrives at Ochanomizu Station on the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line

Only several days are now left in 2011. People in Tokyo are rushing all the time to complete their work and meet their year-end deadline.

2011 was a special year in which we experienced a giant earthquake and tsunami on March 11th. Nearly, 20,000 people are dead or missing. To make matters worse, Japan has been facing difficulties with the nuclear power plant disaster that followed the earthquake. The Japanese government recently declared Fukushima Nuclear Plant stable, because it has reached a cold shutdown, a major milestone. But the recovery is going to be a long process. It's going to take a lot of hard work and patience.

In the meantime, people in Tokyo have returned to their daily routine. Tokyo Electric Power Company announced that it had avoided the power shortages predicted for midsummer. The situation is still the same in winter. Railway companies in the Tokyo metropolitan area are providing normal train services. I felt happy while out for a walk in Ochanomizu, when I saw the trains on the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line operating as usual (see the top photo). It is simple and routine, but the greatest happiness can be found in everyday things.

The illumination in Wadagura Fountain Park in the business district near my office is also normal even at the weekend. A couple was enjoying walking and taking pictures themselves (see the bottom photo). It was a tranquil and peaceful sunset.

May the New Year turn out to be the happiest and the best for you.

Sunset in Wadagura Fountain Park near Tokyo Station on the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line