Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Happy Rainbow Train on the Ina Line

Happy Rainbow Train comes down from Maruyama Depot

On November 30th, a new train debuted on the Ina line of the New Shuttle. It is the 6th set (Set 26) of the EMU 2020 series, named “Happy Rainbow Train”.

Let me review the New Shuttle to start. It's a rubber-tyred automated guideway transit (AGT) system in Saitama Prefecture, about 30 kilometers north of Tokyo. The formal name is the Ina line of Saitama New Urban Transit Company. Connecting Omiya and Uchijuku, its operating length is 12.7 kilometers. The whole line was opened in 1983 beside the JR East's Shinkansen track. The route is mostly double, but partly single. The power supply is 600V three-phase alternate current. Instead of an overhead catenary, three rigid wires are installed along the track. You can see three rigid wires for power supply and a guide rail in the top photo.

Now, let's head to the main topic. As its name suggests, Happy Rainbow Train (Set 26) has rainbow-colored bodies. It is different from the preexisting 2020 series trains, such as Set 22, 23 and 25. Regarding the interior, wheelchair spaces and priority seats were expanded. The heating and ventilation systems were also reinforced. When I visited the Ina line, Happy Rainbow Train was being “slept”, and kept in Maruyama Depot. That's a pity… but, 5 minutes later, the situation drastically changed. The front lights turned on and it came down from the depot. Happy Rainbow Train "squirmed" its body (see the top photo), and headed to the main track (see the photo below). Lucky me!

Happy Rainbow Train heads to the main track of the Ina line

Official website for commentary of the New Shuttle (in Japanese):