Sunday 5 March 2023

Wood-grain Floor: You’ll be Healed Safely

EMU Odakyu 5000 series passes through Soshigaya-Okura station

Following the Romance Car VSE, I'm going to post a topic of the Odakyu line today.

What's new with the Odakyu line? The latest model, the EMU 5000 series, has been increasing in numbers. The 5000 series is a commuter train commissioned in March, 2020. The debut of new commuter train on the Odakyu line was for the first time in 12 years. Three years after the debut of the 5000 series, it has become a large group of the Odakyu commuter trains fleet. Currently, a total of 12 sets, 120 cars, are operated on the line.

Three years ago, I posted that the wide bodies are a distinctive feature of this commuter train. It's about 10 centimeters wider than that of existing trains. It's only 10 centimeters, but considered important for passengers, who use packed trains during peak hours every day. This time, I would like to introduce the interior of the 5000 series. It has a bright and spacious atmosphere, but more importantly, the floor is classical wood-grain, which heals me even if I'm tired. That's definitely my cup of tea. The only concern for passengers like me was its safety, because wood is flammable. Please don't worry. It's not made of wood, but made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride). They're non-flammable. I was surprised that the material of those floors was PVC. To all appearances, it was true wood. New technological innovations are being created, aren't they?

Getting on the EMU Odakyu 5000 series, you'll be healed safely.

Interior of the EMU Odakyu 5000 series