Tuesday 6 February 2024

Deja Vu on the Odakyu Line

EMU Odakyu 70000 series passes through the Second Shobu Tunnel

The Second Shobu Tunnel is the shortest tunnel on the Odakyu line. It's only 60.3 meters long. Almost all the Odakyu trains are longer than 60.3 meters, so, even when the top car passes through the tunnel, the very last car hasn't entered it yet. What makes the story of the Second Shobu Tunnel even more interesting is that this tunnel is located on a gently curved track. As a result, we can take a unique photo in this spot. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Please look at the top photo. You can see the EMU Odakyu 70000 series, which is bisected by the tunnel. Isn't it unique? Isn't it interesting?

I know that nobody likes my bragging, so, I would like to move on to the next topic. When I shot the Odakyu train and the Second Shobu Tunnel, I had a strange feeling. I felt that I've seen this scenery before. Is this deja vu? I wonder what caused it. Three days later, I abruptly remembered it. Evidence is better than debate. Please look at the photo below. It was shot near Meidaimae station on the Keio-Inokashira line. You can see the EMU Keio 1000 series, which is bisected by the bridge of National Route 20. The structure is not a tunnel but a road bridge; however, you can see similar scenery in both photos. Two obtained images are very similar, aren't they?

EMU Keio 1000 series passes through the bridge of National Route 20